Holiday period at Fedasil

During the holiday period, the arrival centre (situated in the Petit-Château in Brussels) will be closed on Friday 31 December 2021. People who wish to apply for international protection cannot register their application on that day.
Arrival centre
The arrival centre and the services of the Immigration Office are open and function normally from 27 December to 30 December2021 and again starting Monday, 3 January 2022.
Attention, due to the high occupation of the reception network, the Info Point is still temporarily closed and only accessible by phone (+32 (0) 2 227 41 51) or mail
Rue de Passchendaele 2, 1000 Brussels
Registration of the applications for protection (asylum): at 8:30am.
Head office and regional offices
The head office of Fedasil (rue des Chartreux, Brussels) will be closed during the week of 27 December 2021 and will reopen as of Monday, 3 January 2022.
Our regional offices (Liège and Antwerp) will also be closed during this period but can be reached by mail. Urgent questions can therefore be sent to (French-speaking part of the country) and to (Dutch-speaking part).
Of course, our reception centres remain open during this period.
Fedasil wish you already a happy holiday season!