Annual report 2023

Fedasil has published its 2023 review. It presents the key events and the main statistics regarding reception, voluntary return and resettlement over the past year.
The year 2023 was again marked by the saturation of the Belgian reception network - since 2021, a number of asylum seekers have found themselves outside the reception network of Fedasil. The priority for reception is given to the most vulnerable (families, minors, women).
“The challenges remain many”, explains our former Director General ad interim, Fanny François. “Starting with adapting our network and our internal organisation to current needs. Even if the creation of reception places will not by itself resolve the crisis situation, Fedasil continues to assume its responsibilities. We are looking for new sites, some of them temporary, while continuing to invest in getting our residents into work, preventing incidents, supporting people outside the reception system, helping them return to their home countries and ensuring the well-being of our staff.”
“Our dearest wish is for Fedasil to be able to soon get back to the original purpose of its mission: providing high quality accommodation for all those seeking and entitled to protection. It is time for the Agency to once again serve as the role model it used to be in the past”, continues Fanny François.
“In this election period, we recommend that the next Belgian federal government give Fedasil the resources it needs to resume a flexible and effective reception model for those seeking protection.”
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