1,769 persons have opted to return voluntarily to their country of origin during the first six months of 2014. That is 17% fewer...
For three years now, Belgium has shared its expertise on asylum with European countries that appeal for assistance from EASO.
The 75 Syrians, who are to be resettled in Belgium in 2014, have currently taken refuge in Turkey. The protagonists of their...
This Friday 20 June, is World Refugee Day. Fedasil and its partners will focus the attention on the millions of people in the...
A record number of migrants are visiting the Fedasil return desk to request a voluntary return to their country of origin.
At the request of EASO, the European Asylum Support Office, Fedasil regularly offers help and expertise to European countries...
Fedasil is starting a network of buffer accommodations: these are beds that are not in use, but they can be made operational at a...
The European Migration Network has just published a synthesis on the organisation of reception facilities for asylum seekers in...
In 2013, 4,585 people voluntarily returned to their country of origin with the help of the Belgian voluntary return programme.