Annual report 2022

Fedasil has published its 2022 balance sheet. It presents the key events and statistics relating to the reception of asylum seekers in Belgium, voluntary return and resettlement over the past year.
The year 2022 was marked by the saturation of the reception network. Fedasil is faced with a recurring shortage of places: since 2021, asylum seekers have found themselves on the streets due to a lack of places.
In this context, Fedasil has sought to rapidly increase its reception capacity in order to offer shelter to as many people as possible. In total, more than 4,000 places have been created in 2022.
“This situation tarnishes the image of Fedasil and Belgium. However, we are doing our best to increase the reception capacity, even if creating new places alone will not solve the current crisis. For months now, there have been more arrivals in our centres than departures: a reversal of this trend is absolutely essential”, explains our acting Director General Fanny François.
20 years
2022 also marks Fedasil’s twentieth anniversary.
Our Agency was set up in 2002 to coordinate the reception of asylum seekers in Belgium. “We can take great pride in what has been achieved over the last 20 years, despite several turbulent periods. My greatest ambition is to regain pride in our work, to get back on track with our mission as quickly as possible and to work together to address the challenges of providing a high-quality reception for all applicants for international protection”, continues Fanny François.
The 2022 report is available in English (PDF available in appendix), French and Dutch. More info :